solve rubix cube
white cross
find white piece on bottom layer
move along bottom until second layer bottom matches second layer middle colour
turn to top - do until cross
if piece flipped - white on side and colour on cross
so turn front clockwise 1
turn top anti-clockwise
turn right up 1
turn top clockwise 1
if piece not on bottom and is in middle, move to bottom by:
turn right down 1
turn bottom clockwise
turn right up 1
white corner
turn upsidedown
find corner with white and match with other colours turn to opposite side
do STANDARD ALGORITHM to replace it into the bottom corner
right up 1
top clockwise 1
right down 1
top anticlockwise 1
if corner already in bottom just use STANDARD ALGORITM to remove then put in correct place
second layer
find edge piece on the top that doesn't have yellow
line up colour with middle colour (second layer centre)
move away - top colour to opposite side - if turn to clockwise
take bottom corner out - USE STANDARD ALGORITHM RIGHT
move away - if turn anticlockwise
do opposite of above
top cross
if only yellow on top
front face clockwise, then STANDARD ALGORITHM RIGHT, then front face anti-clockwise
ignore the corners for now
if L shape, put in top left
front face clockwise, then STANDARD ALGORITHM RIGHT, then front face anti-clockwise
if horizontal line, hold horizontal not vertical
front face clockwise, then STANDARD ALGORITHM RIGHT, then front face anti-clockwise
line up second layer to second layer center (the ones under the yellow cross) - EITHER 4 or 2
if all 4 the skip this step
if 2:
hold so 1 solved is at the back and 1 on right
or if they are across hold anywhere
do ADVANCED ALGORITHIM to align the second layer to second centre layer
right side up 1
top right (clockwise) 1
right side down 1
top right (clockwise) 1
right side up 1
top left (anticlockwise) 2
right side down 1
find yellow top corner with colours matching to its sides
Keep yellow on top
if all in right spot the skip
if none correct then do anywhere
if 1 correct hold in front right
top right (clockwise) 1
right side up 1
top left (anticlockwise) 1
left side up 1
top right (clockwise) 1
right side down 1
top left (anticlockwise) 1
left side down 1
check if other sides are in correct position, if not do again, FROM SAME POSITION TOP NOT CHANGE TO DIFFRENT ANGLE
Solve Corners
TURN UPSIDE DOWN - yellow bottom, white top
do until the corner is solved
TURN BOTTOM LAYER TO GET THE NEXT CORNER - turn bottom left (anticlockwise)
don't turn the whole cube
Do for all corners